Tomorrow is a big day for us. We've managed to go over 5 months without a hospital stay and we're hoping to keep it that way. Baby GL has his Hypospadias surgery tomorrow. It is only supposed to take 2-3 hours and he would come home the same day. The complication that could happen is that he may have difficulty coming off the ventilator. Because of being put under for more than an hour he'll need to be intubated. Anytime we intubate it strikes a tender spot within me. Even when we were have the pre-op talk with the doctor I nearly teared up. It's a very nervous thing to think about. If he has problems coming off he may need to stay admitted for the night. Not something I would be excited about doing.
So for now we just have pleasant thoughts about bringing him home after a very successful surgery. We're planning our nightly feeding. He will need to stop any formula or solids by midnight, but he can have clear liquids like water or Pedialyte up until 9am tomorrow morning. We need to be at the hospital for 11am for surgery at 12:30pm. It was good to hear that they won't be placing an IV until he's under anesthesia. He won't feel anything then, which make me calmer.
Send out positive thoughts for Baby GL in the afternoon. We know things will go well, but I can help being an anxious mom.
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