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Monday, August 29, 2011

Hoping for Growth

It has been so long since I last updated.  Our month has been terribly busy.  Baby Gl continues to keep us on our toes. He made it through hi sear infection and things have gone pretty much back to normal.  We've been jumping around over this issue on his growth.  It's an interesting topic.  When you see Baby GL he looks like a very health little boy.  Very active crawling around, walking along furniture, puling himself up on anything he can and even crawling up stairs now.  You would think nothing was wrong.  Well, the clinic appointments just don't get better.

A couple weeks ago Baby Gl had an echo performed to look at his ASD, hole in his heart.  They were trying to measure a general amount of how much pressure is being put on his heart.  The Pulmonary Hypertension specialist believes there's enough to medicate and to keep the O2.  The O2 only needs to be on at night, really for the reason than unless Baby Gl wears his own O2 backpack there's no way to keep it on.  Another change was to add another medication which is basically Viagra.  That took some convincing from the doctor with the insurance company to approve that medicine.  To my understanding Viagra helps to lower blood pressure and do other therapy for the heart.  However, the side effects are still as we all know Viagra to be.  He hasn't seemed to change his mood on the new med.  I have noticed him kissing a lot more, usually girls.

So with that same appointment we were advised to speak with the nutritionist that works with the cardiology department.  We know that the Pediasure was never something we were successful with.  The nutritionist actually put together a whole new diet based on how we were already feeding Baby GL.  In place of 24 ounces of Pediasure we are now trying Compleat Pediatric.  It is made of real meat and vegetables dehydrated and processed in a liquid form.  At first I wasn't thrilled because the ingredients still contain corn and soy.  At this point those are two ingredients I'd like to keep my son off of until later in life.  Since we have no other choice we have given it a try and the side effects are much better compared to Pediasure.  His diet now consists of 16 ounces of this new formula, 4 ounces of Organic whole milk, 3 full meals of baby food with the addition of 1tsp of olive oil to eat meal for extra calories, as well as any other fluids like juice or water he he's needing it.  We've done well, except he will get full every once in a while, which he shows up with vomiting his whole meal.  We just can't win. It's a process.

It's been a very long time, but we had a whole family outing this weekend.  On Sunday the three of us, my sister's whole family, and my parents all went to the zoo.  It was KidsReach Foundation Day so the ticket sales went for a good cause.  It was a perfect day for the zoo.  I don't think Baby Gl really knew where we were, but we'll have pictures to show him when he's older.  It was just so wonderful to have a good day as a family.  We couldn't escape the daily challenges of feeding Baby Gl, but for the most of the day he was thrilled to be with out.  

It's amazing to see how much Baby Gl has progressed even over these last few weeks.  He moves, without hesitation, all over our home.  Now he's crawling up stairs, in and out of rooms, and climbing up whatever he can find.  His verbalizations have gotten so much better an clearer.  He's testing new sounds and getting louder.  He knows his name and whole Mom and Dad are and even know what a ball is and where it is in the room.  He's even begun to get incredible needy.  When I or my husband leave him, or just leave a room sometimes he begins to cry.  I'm not sure if it's because I've taken on more work.  Even if he goes with my mother he cries.  I'm hoping it's a stage.  It could just be his new tooth he has popping out on top that's causing him grief.  Either way, it's nice to feel so loved and needed.  It just breaks my heart to hear him cry.

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