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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Eye assessment

Today, Baby GL is officially 19 months old.  It' funny to count the months as they go by.  I'm trying to remember what has happened over the last month and it's hard to remember.  We've been adjusting to a new schedule with me working full-time again.  I get the evenings while my husband takes the mornings.  It's actually been nice getting my husband to try to adjust to Baby GL's needs.  He has to be the one to make sure he gets his meals and naps and even therapy.  It can really get complicated.  I have to say he's doing a pretty good job.  He's even made it to the doctor's appointments.

We are still battling the "failure to thrive" issue.  We've found that instead of driving ourselves crazy trying to stuff Baby Gl, we're really following his lead.  We've always done that, but know we're following a little more strict diet.  I've made attempts to make baby food and it's been pretty successful.  By successful, I mean, he eats it.  He's still particular on texture, but I think he's warming up to trying different things.  Our consistencies have been fatty yogurt and giving him as much formula as he'll drink.  The formula we're on is very high calorie so if he's drinking well through the day then we should get some great weight on him. The last weight taken was already a couple weeks back but he did finally break 16lbs.  He was maybe 16.4lbs.  We have a couple appointments next week so we'll get an updated weight and I'm hoping for a height, too.

The few things that are memorable for me this month actually include Baby GL having a cold.  He had the nastiest part of his cold during a weekend, which was good because he was miserable.  I was worried that with his congestion he would have breathing issues.  His breathing issues included lots of crying.  He would fuss every couple hours so I decided just to have him come sleep in our bed until my husband came home from work.  He still woke up early the next day.  We were good for nearly a week when we had another episode of late night crying.  It turned into a slumber party in mommy and daddy's bed.  He wasn't settling down by himself so I brought him in bed.  It's funny how sleeping with a baby is like sleeping with a dog.  First, he crawls to the top of the bed.  Not happy up there he maneuver's his way towards the bottom of the bed.  Flip flop, he finally finds a spot to lay, while mommy and daddy hang on tight the edge of the bed.  Double feature the following night.

So today we finally had our vision assessment that has been rescheduled twice.  It was really informative.  We had someone from Wisconsin Center for the Blind come out and actually assess how Baby GL sees.  We know he can see, but it was hard to know what he sees.  His official sight diagnosis from his eye doctor is near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other.  He still has issues with nystagmus, which means his eyes dont' settle, they have a slight giggle when he's looking around. This is well known in preemies that had ROP.  One thing that was brought to light today was how he focuses.  I never to notice to Baby GL turning his head slightly to the left when he was looking at something.  In order to focus he needs to find that nul point.  It's a point where he is able to find focus between both eyes.  I've noticed the tilt in his head before but I never realized that it was Baby GL compensating for his vision.  We got some great tips on how to stimulate him.  We were even educated on what type of sunglasses to get him.  It was one assessment that was actually very educational for us.  

Baby GL is continuing to grow at an amazing pace.  Soon I will be writing about how he's walking.  Right now I'm just enjoying our small accomplishments.  I'm not in a hurry to have him walking.  He does get up to his walker now and cruises across the room with ease so I think walking is just around the corner.  I think it's important for us to live for the moment.  Even the sleepless night are memorable for me so Id hate to forget them.

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