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Monday, April 11, 2011

One warm day

This week has been Baby GL has been making great strides in therapy.  Speech therapy has been giving me ideas on how to get Baby GL interested in eating.  So we have taken some time to cover the floor, put on the bib, and sit in the Bumbo chair.  With a plate filled with baby food I put a spoon and some teething rings.  It seemed to work well.  Baby GL put the baby rings and spoon in his mouth and he had no choice but to get some of the food in there, too.  I expected a puckered face and some gagging, but it did it very happily to my surprise.  We've tried it a few times and it seems to be getting better each time.  Last time I tried to add in some spoon feeds by me but was stopped by Baby GL's hand grabbing the spoon. He actually put the spoon in his mouth then and it was the correct end of the spoon not the back end of it.  It will take time, but I'm seeing progress.

Physical and Occupational therapy has seen some progress in his stiffness.  Even I have noticed a lot more mobility in his torso.  He has been sleeping more on his side now, which normally he'd sprawl out, arms wide, in his crib.  He twists and turns more freely and shows more interest in reaching forward and sitting up.  We're working on getting him comfortable on his tummy still.  The therapists usually put him on his hands and knees and have him rock back and forth.  He seems to tolerated it really well.  Once he's done the head hits the floor and he looks like he's about to hit a head stand.  Baby GL just shows us, daily, how he's taking everything at his own pace.

We've made huge strides with my husband.  We actually went out to dinner as a family last week.  He's been the one to really be afraid of taking Baby GL out into public places so I was very proud that he wanted to go out.  It was really nice.  We attempted to get him in a high chair but he wouldn't stay in it.  He prefers to be in our lap, anyway.  He'll actually sit better in our lap.  In the high chair he just slid forward and arched his back.  The high chair cover was no help.

Our only clinic visit last week was to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.  He reminded me of something I had completely forgotten about.  Baby GL has a cyst removed from his vocal cords months back.  He was talking about it and it sounded to foreign to me.  I couldn't believe I had such selective memories.  It wasn't even an issue, but it was brought up.  The doctor actually let us off his service at this point.  There are not concerns so he feels there's no need for the follow-ups.  One less clinic to try to keep track of.  Makes my scheduling easier.

We had another first this weekend.  Baby GL finally got to play outside.  We put his bouncer on the patio and he played in only his onesie and pair of socks.  The socks would be due to his father. He just can't get to the socks being off yet.  When he's not looking I usually take them off.  The weather was perfect for him.  He bounced with a gentle wind blowing in his hair.  Just can't wait until summer when we get to go out everyday for walks and maybe even try swimming!

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