We've had a pretty calm couple weeks, lately. The only crazy thing was that I frantically got Baby GL together in only a matter of minutes on Friday to get him to an appointment that was a mistake. It was an appointment I had rescheduled but it was still on the print out I had from the clinics. It was an 8:15am appointment so when I awoke at 7:15am I remembered, but also doubted myself. Oh, well. There will be these moments of craziness and absentmindedness that we will have to get comfortable with.
Aside from that mishap things have been going very well. We are so impressed by Baby GL and his progression. OT and PT continue to work with him. He still needs a lot of work on his mobility but there had been much improvements. I use the Bumbo chair to practice his sitting up and we hold him up on our shoulder most of the time to get his head control. His tracking with his eyes has greatly improved. He's even looking for Daddy now, which, usually it was just me. I can't complain about that. His morning ritual is time on his play mat playing with his toys. He grabs them and brings them to his mouth and talks to them. Its his own morning workout.
So we've been working more and more on his feedings by bottle and nursing. With that his diet is as caloric. As a result his weight this week is the same as it was the prior week. No weight gain, however, no weight loss. He's also still 20 inches but that's not going to change quickly. The goal is an ounce a day so now he's a little behind. I am working on tracking his feedings better so I know how much to set up for his overnight G/J-tube feeds. Hopefully we'll see a weight gain this week. Judging by his clothes you would think he gained a lot last week.
Aside from that mishap things have been going very well. We are so impressed by Baby GL and his progression. OT and PT continue to work with him. He still needs a lot of work on his mobility but there had been much improvements. I use the Bumbo chair to practice his sitting up and we hold him up on our shoulder most of the time to get his head control. His tracking with his eyes has greatly improved. He's even looking for Daddy now, which, usually it was just me. I can't complain about that. His morning ritual is time on his play mat playing with his toys. He grabs them and brings them to his mouth and talks to them. Its his own morning workout.
So we've been working more and more on his feedings by bottle and nursing. With that his diet is as caloric. As a result his weight this week is the same as it was the prior week. No weight gain, however, no weight loss. He's also still 20 inches but that's not going to change quickly. The goal is an ounce a day so now he's a little behind. I am working on tracking his feedings better so I know how much to set up for his overnight G/J-tube feeds. Hopefully we'll see a weight gain this week. Judging by his clothes you would think he gained a lot last week.
I think Baby GL's favorite pastime now is laying on our shoulder sucking his whole fist. He gets nearly the whole thing in his mouth now. He's been trying two at a time now, too. Sometimes he switches it out with one hand and a pacifier. Anything to fill his mouth until he eats next.
It's been such a turn around watching him eat. He went from choking up with every suck to eating so quickly he wants more. I think back just a couple months and can't believe the progress we've made. We wondered how long we'd need to feed him through the tube and it was hard to see an end in sight. Now we see him taking solid foods within a couple months. My anticipation for those moments get me so excited every morning when I wake up.
I want hear stories from other mothers. I am sure that I'm not the only one going through these daily routines. Whenever I go to a appointment I meet other mothers with similar issues. One woman I met had a son that was born at 23 weeks, 1lb 4oz. He had cataract surgery at the age of 2 1/2. He a very feisty little boy, but you look at him and would never know anything was wrong. I really admire those mothers for all the wonderful work they're doing.