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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baby's feet - Thursday, March 11, 2010

I spent all afternoon with Baby GL yesterday.  I love just watching him move and wiggle.  The nurses went back to the loincloth diaper method rather than just using the full diaper.  The smallest diaper they have is still too big so it forces his hips open and restricts movement in his legs.  I was pleased to see the gauze being used again.  He does soak it very often, though.  It just means has great urine output.  If I'm there and he needs a diaper change the nurses let me get in there.  It will probably be the only time I say I love changing his diaper.  
He is still getting milk every 3 hours, 1cc.  He's taking it very well.  I was able to get involved in the feeding by swabbing his mouth with a q-tip full of milk.  By doing that he can taste the milk as it goes directly to his tummy through the feeding tube.  I couldn't believe how much he enjoyed having the milk in his mouth.  He suckled the swab like a pro.  His little tongue was moving aroung it and I could feel the pressure he put on the swab as he sucked.  He may not have the coordination to swallow yet but he really enjoys suckling.  He'll be a great eater.  

In our most recent pictures you can see I am obsessed with Baby GL's feet.  They are so so tiny but they have so much detail.  Tiny, round toes, wrinkly arches, and beautifully round heels.  When he finds something by his feet like one of the iv lines he will play with it between his big and second toe.  He loves to push with his feet.  With the plastic dome over him for humidity he will press his foot up to the top of the dome and you can see it all smooshed on the other side.  

I got to witness some of the ways he communicates with the nurses.  When he needs his mouth suctioned out he starts flailing his arms over head.    

As I'm writing this I received a phone call from the Neonatologist which always make my heart skip a beat.  However, it was another good report.  He actually just told me Baby GL finally had a small bowel movement,  Yeah!!!  A mama's proudest moment to know he loves his milk.  They are doing some more tests because his sugars are going up again so they will start insulin. He is trying to watch for infections that could occur.  The other great news that I got was that I will be able to hold him.  Unfortunately, the doctor will be gone by the time I get there today so I will have to wait until tomorrow.  I am so excited that I finally get to hold my son.  

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