My first Mother's Day was nothing but incredible. The whole weekend was wonderful. Baby GL really recovered well from a tough week. Saturday was spent holding and changing his isolette. My husband and I were so pleased to see him stable and well rested. It was a great turn around.
Yesterday I spent about 5 hours with Baby GL. We spent time kangarooing, which went very well. He was so comfortable and I was loving that time with him. It was a wonderful gift to be close to him on my first Mother's Day.
Later in the afternoon we gave him a bath. He needed it. We had to skip one of his baths last week because he wasn't stable enough. He really enjoys his bath time. Now on the nasal cannula he gets to go into the tub which makes it more fun for me and really cozy for Baby GL. He was wide awake. I think the massaging and warm water are very comforting for him. The nurse put the spa bubbles on for him, which is just the air hose. The smallest jacuzzi tub.
After his bath he tolerated me holding him even longer. He was wrapped and bundled up to keep him warm from his bath. We spent that time with his pacifier. Baby GL will suck on his fingers which is so cute. He even makes very loud smacking noises with his tongue and mouth. He's getting really good with his pacifier. Still, he needs help keeping it in his mouth, but he did get s little time where I didn't have to hold it for him. Next will hope to accomplish bottle feeding.
Today was yet again good day. OT was able to come do his exercises with him and try him on a bottle again. Same results as it's been. He needs better coordination with his tongue. Right now he spills out more milk than he swallows. It will take time, but I'm confident he will figure it out.
Baby GL's weight as of this evening is 2lbs 14oz, 1290 grams. We are just creeping up on that 3lb mark. After that 4lbs will come fast. By then, hopefully, we'll have him home. He's getting to be quite the big boy.
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