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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day After Surgery

It was an emotional day for both myself and my husband.  The emotions hit my husband harder.  It was a little deja vu in the same waiting room that we were in during Baby GL's 7 hour long hernia surgery months ago.  The nerves just take over while you wait.  

Before Baby GL went in he was given Versed, a light sedative to prevent any memories of surgery and prep.  It made him very drowsiness and loopy.  He was kind of in slow motion, which was actually really funny to see.  I feel better knowing that he won't remember the experience.  

After the surgery was done, which was actually quite quickly, the doctor came out to discuss what happened.  The original plan was to repair the Hypospadias and a catheter would go in while healing and a week later it would be removed.  However, the doctor found that Baby GL's urethra was as thin as tissue paper not making it strong enough for the catheter.  It actually made it a little harder for the repair.  He will grow up with a slight Hypospadias but not enough to be noticeable.  With the tissue so delicate he couldn't repair the urethra all the way to the end as was supposed to be done.  He reassured me that functionally, I will have my grandchildren in the future and as far as locker room issues go, there will be no embarrassments.  I'm not sure how I felt when he mentioned grandchildren.  I still have a baby, I don't want to think about the "process" of making grandchildren when I look at my son.  It will be a thought in my mind now that will take time to forget.

Baby GL went into surgery the same was we found him after surgery, awake and wiggly.  During surgery they did have to intubate him, but it was so wonderful to know they extubated right away without complications.  We had to stay in recovery while the nurses watched his vitals.  Some side affects we were watching for we vomiting, irritability, fever, etc.  In order to be discharged we had to get something into Baby GL's tummy.  So we started with apple juice.  Apparently he was very hungry.  He attacked the bottle.  Unfortunately, he didn't drink enough.  He's not great at taken juice because he's used to his thickened formula.  SO in order to get out of there we had to settle him and tube feed some Pedialyte.  It was a success.  We got to the hospital at 11am and were able to go home by 6pm.  I think it was a good day.

Our order at home were to not submerge the surgical area in a bath until day 3.  Since a catheter wasn't placed they used a type of tape that is like sticky cling wrap to wrap around the surgical area.  Slowly the tape will give and fall off.  It actually is almost all off today.  We were to watch for bleeding, which hasn't been an issues.  For pain we were given a prescription pain killer that we didn't need to fill.  Tylenol has been enough.  The worst part of today was when Baby GL was trying to have a bowel movement.  He cried for at least 30 minutes.  I think between the Tylenol and the crying he just got tired out and fell asleep.  It's heartbreaking to see your child in pain and not be able to do much about it.

The rest of the day Baby GL has been a champ.  Playing as usual, back to normal feeds, sleeping comfortably.  We are staying away from the bouncer for a little while.  Nothing that sits between his legs for obvious reasons.  

It's amazing to see kids heal from surgery and hospital stays.  Adults would be vegetables, lazy and whiny.  Not these little guys.  Children bounce back so much faster than we do.  Isn't that sad to say.  Baby GL is doing so well, he's holding his bottle better than he's ever done and bouncing around at table piano never missing a beat.  He fills our heart with so much love an joy.

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