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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Big boy crib - Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby GL is almost 3 months old.  Before he will reach his three months he will have already accomplished so much.

Sunday was a big day.  We moved into a big boy crib.  He seems to really like it.  I was able to bring in his mobile and have some music for him.  He loves staring up at the little mobile animals dancing around.  It's amazing how much he looks around now.  The music is very pleasing to him, also.  He seems to smile a lot and be very sirene during his music time.

Earlier during the week the nurses started putting Baby GL in a baby bouncer chair.  It props him up to look around and be social.  He seemed to like the vibrations, also.  I haven't been around yet when he's been in the chair, but that's because I like to hold him when I'm there. 

To prepare Baby GL for his big boy crib the nurses left the top of the isolette open.  It started with a low amount of heat and then it was slowly lowered to no heat.  He had to hold his temperature in order to go into the open crib.  It was much easier to take him out of the isolette to hold him with it open.  At this point the nurses encourage us to jump in and take him out.  I'm pretty used to the routine now, also.  When he gets his temp taken, change his diaper, weigh him.  It's all very routine and prepares us for bringing him home.

The biggest news is that on Tuesday Baby GL reached 4lbs, 1813 grams.  Now that he's over  4lbs he's up to 32cc's of milk every 3 hours.  As of Sunday he was 15 1/8 inches long.  He slowly keeps gaining weight.  As we get closer to 2 kilos I get more nervous for his hernia procedure.  It will also mean he'll be coming home soon after.  

As we prepare for him to come home we are coping with the idea of him coming home on oxygen and with a G-tube.  Baby GL, most likely, will not be able to take all his milk by bottle so he'll need a G-tube to his stomach for his feedings.  It makes me a little nervous to think about, but I guess it's pretty common.  Just to have him home will be so exciting for us that all the other stuff won't matter.

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