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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby GL is still doing his job.  Growing.  3lbs 13oz, 1720 grams.  He did start his diuretic but he stayed at this weight for 2 days.  We are moving closer to that 2 kilo mark which will hopefully be the magic number for him.

His bottle feedings have been stalled now until he's bigger.  He's choking on only 1cc of milk so there's a possibility he will need to have a camera look into his throat to see if he's aspirating.  If he is it causes him to get the milk stuck in the wrong place and he chokes.  It's alaso what the doctors saw in his x-ray that made it seem like pneumonia.  If he goes to Children's Hospital soon for his hernia surgery they will probably do it then.  At this point we just have to wait with the bottle.  

Yesterday, Baby GL had another eye exam.  It continues to be good news.  The doctor will come back next week to check him out again. At this point there is no concern that requires the laser eye surgery.  

I spent a couple hours with Baby GL last night.  I don't get that much time with him much anymore.  He has really enjoyed snuggling, however, it took some time to find his comfy spot.  Laying tummy down on my chest seemed to do it.  That is a pleasing position for me because it gives me rubbing and kissing time on his fuzzy head. With the amount of kisses and rubbing we do on his head he will end up with either a mama bite birth mark or a bald spot.  It's his happy spot.  He's always calm and peaceful when anyone gives him a little rub on the head.  

Baby GL may be having problems with his bottle but it doesn't show up in his skills for sucking his pacifier.  Whenever he is wide awake he will go nuts on his pacifier.  The problem is we have to hold it in because once he stops and gets going again he manages to kick his pacifier across the isolette with his tongue.  At least when we hold his pacifier we can help him control his tongue movements a bit.  That's what's going to help him with his bottle feeds.  

He continues to impress us and prove what a miracle he is.  Our hopes now are just to get him home.  Almost 3 months of hospital visits and probably another month ahead.   

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